Ashfield U3A Membership

Current Fees: (from 1st March 2024 to 28th February 2025) **

Membership of Ashfield U3A is available to anyone who is no longer in full-time employment. There are four membership categories, depending on your individual circumstances. Fees and what is included are shown below, together with an explanation of membership types:

Thursday Full YES YES NO YES £20.00
Thursday Associate YES YES NO NO £17.00
Postal Full NO YES YES YES £20.00
Postal Associate NO YES YES NO £17.00
Email Full NO YES NO YES £12.00
Email Associate NO YES NO NO £  9.00
Affiliated Membership NO YES NO NO £  0.00


All members who provide an email address will receive the monthly newsletter and other communications by email.

Thursday Membership: All members in this category may attend the main monthly meetings. Potential members may attend up to two meetings as a non-member in order to help them come to a decision about joining, but must join at their third attendance. Refreshments are available at the break and newsletters can be obtained at the meetings, both as part of your subscription.

Postal Membership: This category is intended for members who cannot or do not wish to attend main meetings, but who would like to participate in group activities. This membership category prohibits attendance at main meetings but does not restrict postal members from attending social functions for which tickets are available. Members will receive a newsletter through the post. Postal members may also attend the AGM and have full voting rights.

Email Membership: This category is intended for members who cannot or do not wish to attend main meetings and are happy to receive newsletters and all correspondence by email. They may participate in group activities and attend social functions for which tickets are available. Email members may also attend the AGM and have full voting rights.

Affiliate Membership: This category is intended for members of other u3as within the North Notts Neighbourhood Group (NNNG) who participate in Ashfield u3a groups activities, and are included in the Ashfield u3a membership list for administrative purposes. They do not attend the main meetings or the AGM and have no voting rights. They may join social events as the conditions agreed by the NNNG.

Full Membership: This category denotes that Ashfield U3A is the main U3A to which those members pay their Third Age Trust (TAT) fee.

Associate Membership: Members who already belong to another U3A to which they pay their TAT fee, may pay, upon proof of membership, the reduced fee, as the TAT fee need only be paid to one U3A. The current TAT fee, levied by the Third Age Trust, has been set at £3.50. Please note that this is mandatory as it covers members for insurance. It should also be noted that associate membership does not imply an inferior form of membership.

Please read the following section before downloading your membership application form.

All Members: ** From the January monthly meeting each year, any NEW member joining will pay the full subscription for the year [March to February], which will carry through to the end of the next subscription year. All existing members may pay their subscriptions from the January meeting but are required to pay their full membership subscriptions by the April meeting.

Gift Aid: If you are a UK taxpayer and would consider allowing Ashfield U3A to claim back part of your subscription from the Inland Revenue, please complete the Gift Aid portion of the form. Please remember that your total amount of Gift Aid contributions from this source and others should not exceed the amount of tax you pay.

Privacy Statement: to comply with the new General Data Protection Regulations 2018, please ensure that you complete the Privacy Policy section of the membership application form. This is mandatory on your being granted membership of Ashfield U3A.

Membership Forms: Can be downloaded from the links below for new or renewal applications and printed by you if you so wish. Please ensure that you have completed ALL sections of the form. Completed forms should be sent to the Membership Secretary, at the following address, together with your cheque for the relevant amount and made payable to "Ashfield U3A".

Miss Ann Smithson,
34 Kings Stand,
Berry Hill Park,
NG18 4AY

For a membership application or membership renewal form, please ensure you print the correct one below:

Click here to view the Membership Application Form for Ashfield U3A.

Click here to view the Membership Renewal Form for Ashfield U3A.

Click here to view the Membership Affiliation Form for Ashfield U3A.

AU3A bookstall at 
The Ashwood Centre Services

BOOKSTALL: Ashfield U3A runs a second-hand bookstall at its monthly meetings, currently with all books, both paperbacks and hardbacks priced at 50 pence each. All profits from the stall will be used to increase Ashfield U3A funds. If you have any unwanted paperback or hardback books, monthly periodicals, CDs or even DVDs, IN GOOD CONDITION, that you would like to donate to the stall, please bring them along to any Ashfield U3A main meeting and give them to Ron or Carole Britton on the bookstall. Please do not bring books with loose or missing pages, in a dirty condition or with severe foxing, or out of date manuals, as we only have to recycle these. Please remember that we are all volunteers. Thank you.

All rights reserved © Ashfield U3A (2006 - )